Wednesday 9 September 2015

Basic Electrical/Network theorems/Set-1/Paper-02

1. Kirchoff's current law states that

(a)net current flow at the junction is positive
(b)Algebraic sum of the currents meeting a junction is zero
(c)no current can leave the junction without some current entering it.
(d)total sum of currents meeting at the junction  is zero


2. According to Kirchoff's voltage law , the algebraic sum of all IR drops and emfs in any closed loop of a network is always

(a)negative (b)positive (c) determined by battery emfs (d) zero

Ans: d

3.Kirchoff''s current law is applicable to only

(a)junction in a network (b)closed loops in a network (c)electrical circuits (d)electronic circuits


4. Which of  the following is no linear  circuit parameter ?

(a)Inductance (b)Condenser (c)wire wound resister (d)Transistor

Ans: a

5. A capacitor is generally a

(a)bilateral and active component
(b)active , passive linear and nonlinear component
(c)linear and bilateral component
(d)non-linear and active component

Ans: c

6. The circuit whose properties are same in either directions is known as

(a)unilateral circuit (b)bilateral circuit (c)irreversible circuit (d)reversible circuit


7. The circuit has resistor, capacitor and semiconductor diode the circuit will be

(a)non linear circuit (b)linear circuit (c)bilateral circuit (d)none of the above

Ans: a

8. A non-linear network does not satisfy

(a)superposition condition (b)homogeneity condition (c) both a and b (d)none of these


9. A network which contains one or more than one source of emf is known as

(a)linear network (b)non linear network (c)passive network (d)active network

Ans: d

10. Kirchoff''s voltage law is related to
(a) junction current   (b) battery emfs    (c) IR drops    (d) both b and c
