Wednesday 22 July 2015

Basic Electrical/Resistance/Level-1/Paper-01

Q1. Two wires A and B have the same cross-section and are made of the same material. Ra  =600 ohm ad Rb =100 ohm. The number of times A is longer than B is

 (a) 6               (b)2                         (c) 4              (d)5

Ans: a

Q2. Two copper conductor have same length but one has cross-section twice that of the other. If thicker has a resistance of 20 ohm, the resistance of the other is ____________ohm

(a)10                (b)40                 (c)20                  (d)60


Hint :  A1= 2A2

Q3. Which of the following material has nearly zero temperature coefficient of resistance  ?

 (a)manganin           (b)porcelain        (c)copper                   (d)carbon


Q4. Which of the  following does not have negative temperature coefficient ?

 (a)Paper              ( b)Aluminium                        (c) Rubber                  (d) Mica

Ans: b

Q5. Resistance of a material always decreases if

  (a) temperature of material  is decreased
  (b) temperature of material  is increased
  (c) number of  free electrons available become more
  (d) none of the above is correct

Ans: c

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