Thursday 21 January 2016

Basic Electrical/Electric Current/Level-0/Paper-01

Q1. A perfect conductor has

(a) Zero conductivity
(b) unity conductivity
(c) infinite conductivity
(d) none of  the above


Q2. The conductivity of a conductor can be increasingly

(a) decreasing its temperature
(b) increasing its temperature
(c) decreasing its vibration
(d) increasing its vibration

Ans: a

Q3. Which of the following  are no-conductors of electricity ?

(a) Non-metal solids except carbon
(b) Air and most other gases
(c) Pure water and liquids
(d) All of the above


Q4. Unit of electrical conductivity

(a) mho/metre (b) mho/sq.m  (c)ohm/metre (d)ohm/sq.m


Q5.Resistance of a material always decreases I

(a) temperature of material is decreased
(b)temperature of material is increased
(c)number of free electrons available become more
(d)none of the above is correct


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