Wednesday 25 May 2016

GS & EL/X-rays/Level-0/Paper-01

Properties of X-ray

1. X rays are electromagnetic(EM) waves of very short wave length

2. They travel in straight lines with the velocity of light

3.They are invisible to eyes

4. Under suitable conditions , X-rays are reflected & refracted like ordinary light

5. They are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

Wave length=1Å

X-rays can penitrate throughbthe substances which are opaque to ordinary light eg: wood,flesh,thick paper,thin sheets of metals

6)They cause Fluorescence on many substanstances like barium,cadmium, tungstate, Zinc,sulphate etc.

7)X-rays can ionise a gas through which they pass

8) when X-rays are fall on certain metals ,they liberate photo electrons(photo electric effect)

9)when X-rays fall on heavy metals ,they produce secondary X-rays

10)X-rays have destructive effects on living tissues
(When they are exposed to human body , they cause reddening of the skin,sores and serious injuries to the tissues and gland .they can destroy white corpuscles of the blood)

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