Tuesday 4 August 2015

Basic Electrical/Electrical circuits/Level-0/Paper-04

Q1. Which of  the following is non-linear  circuit parameter ?

(c)wire wound resister

Q2. A capacitor is generally a

(a) bilateral and active component
(b) active, passive linear and nonlinear component
(c) linear and bilateral component
(d) non-linear and active component

Q3. The circuit whose properties are same in either directions is known as

(a) unilateral circuit
(b) bilateral circuit
(c) irreversible circuit
(d) reversible circuit

Q4. The circuit has resistor, capacitor and semiconductor diode the circuit will be

(a)non linear circuit
(b) linear circuit
(c) bilateral circuit
(d) none of the above

Q5. A network which contains one or more than one source of emf is known as

(a)linear network
(b) non linear network
(c) passive network
(d)active network


A circuit is a closed conducting path through which an electric current either flows or is intended flow.

  • Linear circuit is one whose parameters are constant  i.e. they do not change with  voltage or current.
  • Non-linear circuit whose parameters change with voltage or current


The various elements of  an electric circuit are called its parameters like resistance,inductance and capacitance . These parameters may be lumped or distributed. 

  • Example of passive components : resistor,capacitor,inductor etc
  • Example of active components : Diode,Trasistor ,voltage source,current source etc

Unilateral circuit whose properties or characteristics change with the direction of its operation.A diode rectifier is a unilateral circuit , because it cannot perform rectification in both directions.

Passive Network is one in which contains no source of emf in it.

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