Wednesday 12 August 2015

EL/Super conductivity/SET-2/Paper-01

Q1. Superconductivity is observed for
(a) infrared frequencies
(b) dc and low frequency
(c) AC and high frequency
(d)frequency having no effect

Q2. superconductivity can be destroyed by

(a) adding impurities
(b) reducing temperatures
(c) application of magnetic field
(d) any of the above

Q3. Superconducting metal in superconductivity state has relative permeability of

(a) zero           (b) one              (c) negative              (d) more than one

Ans: a
Q4. The super conductivity is due to

(a) the crystal  structure having no atomic vibration at 0K
(b)all electronics interact in the super conducing state
(c)the electronics jump into nucleus at 0K
(d) none of those


Q5. The structure sensitive property of a super conductor is
(a) Critical magnetic field
(b) transition temperature
(c) Critical current density
(d) none of the above

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